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By: M. Hatlod, M.A.S., M.D.

Clinical Director, University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine

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Intestinal Obstructions An obstruction can occur anywhere along the intestinal tract seasonal allergy medicine for 3 year old cheap promethazine, preventing contents within the tract from moving forward allergy forecast jackson ms safe promethazine 25mg. Other obstructions are classified as paralytic or functional when there is a decrease in peristalsis allergy shots maintenance phase order promethazine 25mg without prescription, preventing the propulsion of intestinal contents. Sometimes the obstruction can be relieved by means of a suction tube, but frequently surgery is required. If the obstruction is a strangulated hernia, a protrusion of intestine through the abdominal wall, surgery is required because the strangulated segment can become gangrenous. If a loop of small intestine is surrounded by pus from the infection, the smooth muscle of the intestinal wall cannot contract. Causes of hemorrhoids include heredity, poor dietary habits, inadequate fiber, overuse of laxatives, and lack of exercise. Straining to have a bowel movement can cause bleeding or cause the hemorrhoid to prolapse, or come through the anal opening. Hemorrhoids frequently develop during pregnancy because of pressure from an enlarged uterus. Treatment includes adding fiber and water to the diet and stool softeners to reduce straining and subsequent inflammation. Medicated suppositories and anorectal creams relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Spastic Colon (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) Irritable bowel syndrome or spastic colon is relatively common, occurring in 20% of American adults and affecting more women than men. The difference between a spastic or irritable colon and the diseases already discussed is that the spastic colon has no lesion, no tumor, and no ulceration. Hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids are varicose veins in the lining of the rectum near the anus. The risk factors may include abuse of laxatives and consumption of certain foods and beverages, particularly caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods, fatty foods, and concentrated orange juice that can irritate the bowel. Foods such as beans and cabbage, which contain carbohydrates fermented by colon bacteria, promote gas production and should be avoided. Emotional stress has an adverse effect on the digestive system because the nerves of the autonomic nervous system affect digestion. Although it cannot be prevented, the risk factors for developing spastic colon can be avoided. Dysentery Dysentery is an infectious disease with acute inflammation of the colon. Dysentery is relatively uncommon in the United States, although outbreaks occur when food or water sanitation break down. Worldwide, dysentery is the leading cause of death from infectious disease in young children. Cancer Prevention through Detection Early detection of colorectal cancer is the key to survival. Death rates are low for patients whose colorectal cancer is detected at an early localized stage; about 9% die within 5 years.

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Chronic leukemias have a low rate of proliferation of tumor cells with good differentiation and their clinical course is slow allergy treatment test buy 25 mg promethazine with mastercard. The etiological agents include exposure to ionizing radiations as X rays allergy rhinitis treatment buy promethazine discount, chemical like benzene allergy utah buy promethazine 25mg with visa, genetic disorders like Down syndrome, ataxia telangiectasia and acquire disorders like paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria and aplastic anemia. The leukemic cells also infiltrate the organs of the body like spleen, liver and lymph nodes causing splenomegaly, hepatomegaly and lymphadenopathy. Bone marrow expansion is responsible for bone pain and tenderness (usually sternal tenderness) in these patients. This leukemia can either be a precursor B-cell or T-cell type (these are the two predominant types of lymphocytes). In the pre-T-cell type, there is presence of mediastinal mass due to thymus involvement which can compress either the vessels or airways in the region. Aleukemic leukemia is diagnosed by the presence of >20% blasts in the bone marrow. Uncommonly, some patients may show pancytopenia with few or no blast cells in peripheral blood which is called as aleukemic leukemia. However, diagnosis is made in this condition by the presence of >20% blasts in the bone marrow. Biochemical investigations It include elevated serum uric acid and phosphate levels accompanied by hypocalcemia (because of hyperphoshatemia). These manifest as proptosisQ (due to orbital involvement) most commonly or may present as bone or periosteal masses. So, trans retinoic acid provided from external source is beneficial in these patients. The bone marrow is replaced with multipotent stem cells which can differentiate but in an unorganized and ineffective manner only. It has been linked to the exposure to radiation, benzene, alkylating agents and some chromosomal abnormalities. Bone marrow findings Cells affected Erythroid cells Features seen Ringed sideroblastsQ (Iron laden mitochondria in erythroblasts) with increased iron stores Megaloblasts, nuclear budding, intranuclear bridging, irregular nuclei Pawn ball megakaryocytesQ (Megakaryocytes with multiple separate nuclei) Dohle bodiesQ (toxic granulations) are seen, Pseudo-Pelger-Huet cellsQ (Neutrophils with two nuclear lobes) are also seen Juvenile myelomonocytic leukemiaQ is a childhood myelodysplastic syndrome. It is the commonest leukemia seen in children suffering from neurofibromatosis-1Q. Megakaryocytes Neutrophils Peripheral blood shows the presence of Pseudo-Pelger-Huet cells, giant platelets, macrocytes, poikilocytes and monocytosis. Clinical features are seen in only 50% patients including weakness, infection and hemorrhage due to pancytopenia. Characteristically, there is presence of splenomegalyQ caused by infiltration of leukemic cells as well as extramedullary hematopoiesis. Leukocytic infiltration and hypercellularity can cause sternal tenderness whereas leukostasis can cause priapism, venous thrombosis and visual disturbances. Bone marrow It is 100% cellular in these patients (in normal individuals, the marrow is 50% cellular and 50% fat is present). The erythroid precursors are decreased (due to replacement by myeloid precursors) whereas abnormal megakaryocytes are commonly seen. The presence of scattered histiocytes with blue granules (sea-blue histiocytes or pseudo-Gaucher cellsQ) is characteristically seen.

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In severe cases allergy on hands purchase promethazine pills in toronto, life-threatening gastrointestinal or joint hemorrhage may resemble symptoms of hemophilia allergy testing yarmouth ns generic 25 mg promethazine with mastercard. Extensive clotting produces tissue ischemia allergy forecast norman ok 25 mg promethazine with mastercard, organ damage, and depletion of platelets and clotting factors. The depletion of platelets and clotting factors, also known as consumptive coagulopathy, results in extensive bleeding. Supportive medical treatments include platelet transfusions, administration of concentrates of coagulation inhibitors, and administration of an intravenous anticoagulant. Disorders of White Blood Cells Neutropenia Neutropenia is a reduction of circulating neutrophils, which increases the risk for bacterial and fungal infections. Because neutrophils cause many of the signs of an acute infection, the classic signs such as swelling and pus formation may be diminished or absent in a severely neutropenic individual. Neutropenia is a frequent complication of cancer chemotherapy or medical immune suppression because these medications suppress cellular proliferation within the bone marrow. Infectious complications depend on the severity of neutropenia and are usually profound and severe in cancer patients. Immune destruction of neutrophils occurs with rheumatoid arthritis or as a primary condition with unknown causes. Neutropenia may be either mild or severe, and infectious complications are variable. Chronic and severe cases require medical treatment with medications that increase neutrophil proliferation or medications that suppress immune function. Examination of the bone marrow is useful to diagnose bone marrow failure syndromes that may be causing the neutropenia. Those with mild neutropenia generally have no symptoms and may not need treatment. Hospitalization with isolation and intravenous antibiotic therapy is needed for the severely neutropenic patient. Growth factors, called colony-stimulating factors, which stimulate the production of white blood cells, are especially helpful for patients who develop neutropenia secondary to cancer treatment. Prognosis for idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome is poor without treatment, with median survival of approximately 1 year. However, chemotherapy has recently been reported to produce 70% survival at 10 years. Eosinophilia-Myalgia Syndrome A chronic, multisystem disease, eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome, is characterized by muscle pain, fatigue, and a progressive, potentially fatal illness characterized by skin changes, nervous system abnormalities, and pulmonary hypertension. Elevated circulating levels of eosinophils are a universal feature of this disorder. Age-Related Diseases Anemia is the most common blood disorder in persons greater than 75 years of age. The causes of anemia in older adults are blood loss and nutritional deficiencies, chronic illness, and chronic renal failure. Decreased physical performance, mental status changes, and an increase in mortality are among the consequences of untreated anemia in older adults. White blood cell disorders, platelet disorders, and immune deficiency are often due to malignant disease. Neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, and nutritional anemias develop secondary to the malignancy and cancer treatments. Eosinophil Abnormalities Idiopathic Hypereosinophilic Syndrome Hypereosinophilia describes a high level of eosinophils.

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     [published in ASC Technicalendar, ~spring 1989]