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By: K. Zarkos, M.S., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, University of Colorado School of Medicine

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The stretching of the softened cervix induced by increasing fetal pressure results in local receptor stimulation and the initiating of a spinal reflex that eventually results in the release of oxytocin from the posterior pituitary acne quotes order cheap procuta on-line. Release of oxytocin at this stage of parturition promotes prostaglandin production acne zones on face cheap 10 mg procuta overnight delivery, particularly of the E and F series skin care event ideas buy procuta cheap online, within the decidua; these prostaglandins are powerful myometrial stimulants and thus further enhance uterine contractions. The prostaglandin concentration in maternal serum and amniotic fluid increases with the progression of labor. Many of the biochemical and molecular events that are responsible for uterine smooth muscle contraction are the same as those that control other smooth muscle tissues. Once uterine smooth muscle sensitivity has been augmented, actin and myosin must interact for contraction to occur. Calcium (Ca) binds to calmodulin and initiates a series of biochemical reactions that ultimately lead to muscle contraction. Cytokines produced by the fetus are also thought to be responsible for stimulating uterine contraction. Other circulating substances that favor quiescence of uterine smooth muscle include progesterone, which increases throughout pregnancy, and possibly prostacyclin. Drugs and hormones used clinically to enhance uterine contractions are primarily employed either to induce or to augment contractions during labor and delivery. They have particular value in limiting an extended pregnancy, preventing the early rupture of membranes, or aiding placental insufficiency. The primary use of uterine relaxants (tocolytic agents) is in the prevention of premature labor. These drugs act either directly to suppress myometrial smooth muscle contraction or indirectly to inhibit synthesis or release of the prostaglandins and/or other endogenous uterine stimulants. It has also been used following incomplete abortion after 20 weeks of gestation (although use of prostaglandins may be preferred in this instance), and it may be used after fullterm delivery to prevent or control uterine hemorrhage. An oxytocin challenge test (an assessment of the fetal heart rate in response to oxytocin-induced contractions) can be performed in certain high-risk. Inappropriate use of oxytocin can lead to uterine rupture, anaphylactoid and other allergic reactions, and possibly maternal death. Prolonged stimulation of uterine contractions can result in the following fetal adverse reactions: persistent uteroplacental insufficiency, sinus bradycardia, premature ventricular contractions, other arrhythmias, and fetal death. Maternal and fetal cardiovascular parameters should be monitored during oxytocin administration. Ergonovine Maleate and Methylergonovine Maleate Ergonovine (Ergotrate) and methylergonovine (Methergine) are compounds obtained either directly or semisynthetically from ergot, a fungus that grows on rye and other grains. These compounds stimulate uterine smooth muscle directly, thereby increasing muscular tone and enhancing the rate and force of rhythmical contractions. These drugs are capable of inducing a sustained tetanic contraction, which can shorten the final stage of labor and aid in the reduction of postpartum blood loss. Both are commonly used for the routine expulsion of the placenta after delivery and in postpartum and postabortal atony and hemorrhage. Both drugs are partial agonists at -adrenergic receptors and at some serotonin and dopamine receptors; they also can inhibit the release of endothelial-derived relaxation factor.

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Pheochromocytoma (40%): Eighty percent of these are bilateral and occur in the second or third decade of life acne pregnancy buy procuta 40 mg with mastercard. Caution is used in interpreting levels in patients taking acid-blocking medications or prior gastric surgery acne pustules order procuta on line amex. Nuclear medicine octreotide scanning with possible use of gamma detector intraoperatively may help find occult tumors or metastases acne natural treatment buy procuta 20 mg online. Tumors are composed of multipotential cells with the ability to secrete a variety of hormones, most commonly serotonin and substance P. Most common locations are in the gastrointestinal tract, particularly the appendix (46%), small bowel (28%), and rectum (1 6%). Midgut (j ejunum, ileum, right colon, stomach, and proximal duodenum) carcinoids a. Invasion into serosa produces an intense desmoplastic reaction in causing fibrosis, intestinal kinking, and obstruction. Tumors have a variable malignant potential and are likely to metastasize, especially ileal carcinoid greater than 1 em. Eighty percent of tumors are asymptomatic and are found incidentally at the time of surgery. The most common symptoms are abdominal pain, partial or complete small bowel obstruction from intussusception or from a desmoplastic reaction, diarrhea, and weight loss. Carcinoid syndrome is characterized by episodic attacks of cutaneous flushing, bronchospasm, diarrhea, and vasomotor collapse. This condition occurs only in 10% of patients, most commonly with massive hepatic replacement by metastatic disease. Diagnosis P h e o c h r o m o cyto m a is a s s o ciated w i the l evated u r i n a ry l e v e l s of 5 - hyd roxyi n d o l e a c etic a c i d i n 24 - h o u r u r i n. Somatostatin receptor scintigraphy I l l -in-labeled pentetreotide detects somatostatin receptors. Treatment S o m atostatin receptor s c i n t i g r a p h y is used to l o c a l ize the tumor in patie nts with sus p e cted p h e o c h ro m o cyto m a. O ctreotide m a y rel ieve d i a r r h e a and f l u s h i n g but w i l l not treat the t u m o r. Tumors less than l em without evidence of metastatic disease: segmental intestinal resection 2. Tumors larger than l em, multiple tumors, or lymph node involvement: wide excision of bowel and mesentery 3. Composition: 15 to 20 lobes of glandular tissue, supported by connective tissue framework with adipose tissue in between 2. Cooper ligaments: bands of fibrous tissue extending from fascia to dermis that support the breast. Lobes end in 2- to 4-mm lactiferous ducts, which dilate to sinuses beneath the areola and open into a nipple orifice. Radially arranged smooth muscle fibers with rich sensory innervation below nipple/areola: causes nipple erection 5. Tubercles of Morgagni: nodular elevations formed by Montgomery gland openings at periphery of areola that secrete milk C. Skin and nipple (areolar complex): drain initially to superficial subareolar plexus and then to a deeper plexus 2.

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     [published in ASC Technicalendar, ~spring 1989]