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By: L. Nasib, M.B. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Clinical Director, Columbia University Roy and Diana Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons

The presence of an additional sex chromosome (X or Y) has only mild phenotypic effects breast cancer lasts decades generic 35mg fosamax overnight delivery. Monosomy X (karyotype 45 breast cancer ornaments purchase cheap fosamax online,X or Turner syndrome) is a frequent chromosomal aberration diagnosed in postnatal period menstruation postpartum buy line fosamax. Structural chromosome rearrangements result from chromosome breakage with subsequent reunion in a different configuration. Down syndrome Down syndrome is the most common chromosomal anomaly present at birth. Down syndrome is also known as trisomy 21 since chromosome 21 is present in triplicate. In this chapter, we have discussed about clinical features, diagnosis, management and counseling issues of common genetic disorders encountered in clinical practice. Common trisomies seen in live-born infants include trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), trisomy 18 (Edward Clinical Features Clinical phenotype is easily identifiable clinically though diagnosis may be difficult in a neonate especially a preterm one. Genetics Counseling Counseling of parents having a child with Down syndrome varies with the age at presentation for consultation and preparedness of the parents. Diagnosis should be disclosed as early as one is sure, preferably after karyotyping particularly in a neonate. It is important to discuss with both parents together using simple language and giving sufficient time. It is usually not necessary to discuss about rare complications like malignancies. Counseling regarding risk of recurrence is important but may be postponed for a future date if the baby is very young. Risk of recurrence: Women 35 years of age or less who have a child with trisomy have a 1% risk of having another, which is significantly greater than the general population. The risk is little increased, if any, over the usual maternal agedependent frequency if the mother at risk is 35 years or older. The risk is 100% if either of the parent is a carrier of translocation between two chromosomes 21. In other women with less risk, or who do need not go for invasive testing biochemical screening for chromosomal abnormality can be carried out. Important markers in first trimester are increased nuchal translucency and absent nasal bone. Second trimester stigmata include nuchal fold thickness, short femur, duodenal atresia, renal pyelectasis, etc. Ideally should be done by a child psychologist but any pediatrician can guide the parents for the same.

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These observations provide explanation why some effects of iron deficiency are irreversible even after complete correction of iron deficiency women's health issues election 2012 70mg fosamax fast delivery. Thus the timing of iron deficiency during infancy and its severity have critical impact even in adult life birth control pills and women's health 35 mg fosamax mastercard. World Health Organization criteria for the diagnosis of anemia are Hb levels less than 11 g/dL in children between 6 months and 6 years and below 12 g/dL in children between 6 years and 14 years fsh 87 menopause cheap fosamax 35mg on-line. Infants, preschool children, adolescents and women of childbearing age are at a greatest risk of developing iron deficiency and its resultant anemia. If not corrected, it leads to increasing severity of anemia, reduced work capacity, increased susceptibility to infections and greater risk of death associated with pregnancy and child birth. Factors such as preferential delivery of iron to fetus during third trimester, delayed cord clamping and exclusive breastfeeding in first 6 months of life protect infants from becoming iron deficient. Malnutrition, chronic infections and worm infestations also contribute to a high prevalence of anemia. The major source of iron is in the diet and is found in variable degrees in foods of plant origin. Heme iron is better absorbed than nonheme iron and is not influenced by dietary factors. Good sources of iron in the diet include pulses, dals, greenleafyvegetables,bajra,dates,nuts,jaggery,meatand fish. Pica is welldocumented feature of anemia in children and manifested as craving for inedible things such as dirt, clay (geophagia), ice (pagophagia), laundry starch (amylophagia), salt, cardboard, etc. Blue sclera Iron deficiency is a systemic disorder involving multiple also occasionally observed in iron deficiency in children and systems rather than being an isolated hematological adolescents. Iron deficiency anemia is associated with impaired condition associated with anemia. Children including physical coordination and capacity, mental between 6 months and 24 months are a particularly high development, cognitive abilities, social and emotional risk group for development of iron deficiency due to the development. Iron deficiency leads to impaired growth, low content of bioavailable iron in the weaning foods in compromises cognitive development and contributes to shortened attention span and scholastic failure (Table developing countries. Other health consequences include reduced immunity, offallofHbandhemostaticadjustmentofvariousorgans systems. As the fall of Hb is often gradual, the onset of increased morbidity, and increased susceptibility to heavy symptoms is insidious. Initial manifestations include irritability, anorexia and brain growth and development may produce permanent pallor. Later hyperdynamic circulation leads to palpitation, and irreversible abnormalities in these functions. Gradual onset of pallor may laboratory Tests in iron deficiency escape notice even when the Hb falls to 4 g/dL.

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From lying on the back position (supine position) women's health center in chicago order genuine fosamax on line, stimulate the child to sit and gradually to the standing position during play time menstruation running 35 mg fosamax amex. Firstly women's health quizzes discount fosamax online american express, guide the child to his both knees supporting himself on a low stool with both hands. A baby walker will also severe the purpose of developing standing and walking skills. It is a descriptive term rather than a diagnosis and is used for children whose attained weight or rate of weight gain is significantly below their age, gender and ethnicity matched controls. Though primarily weight is affected, linear growth and head circumference may also get affected if the insult is prolonged and severe. For example, a child with cerebral palsy or multiple congenital malformations is likely to be environmentally deprived due to lack of care. It should be emphasized that extensive laboratory investigations have no role in the diagnosis unless assessment suggests a probable organic cause and localizes the pathology to a particular system. These include infant with small parents, constitutional delay and prematurely born babies. Detailed anthropometry should include length/height, weight, head circumference, upper/lower segment ratio, skinfold thickness and mid-arm circumference. These include unusual watchfulness, decreased vocalization, lack of cuddliness, head banging, rocking movements and rumination. A battery of routine investigations should be avoided because they are unproductive in most instances, expensive, may be misleading and diverting attention. Radiological investigations are not routinely indicated, unless the child needs evaluation for tuberculosis or physical abuse. More invasive diagnostic procedures are called for, when a specific diagnosis is suspected. Growth data Evaluation of growth pattern is the most important aspect of evaluation. This is only possible if parents have maintained a growth chart or previous growth status is known. In situations where previous record is not available, it is advisable to follow the child for weight gain. Individual management of these has been discussed in detail in subsequent chapters. The first decision that one has to take is, whether the child requires hospitalization or not. Unless there is a strong suspicion of an organic cause, one should proceed directly for a two weeks trial feeding. Nutrition monitoring record includes daily weight and total calories consumed during last 24 hours against expected.

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Skin to skin contact with the mother not only prevents hypothermia pregnancy eating plan 35 mg fosamax fast delivery, but also promotes breastfeeding and bonding womens health kettlebell purchase line fosamax. The baby should be free of illness women's health regina generic fosamax 35 mg overnight delivery, significant jaundice, and the mother should be confident about breastfeeding. The growth and development should be evaluated monthly during the first few months and 3-monthly thereafter. Respiratory Distress Breathing problems in a neonate can be tachypnea (respiratory rate > 60/min), chest indrawing, stridor or apnea. However, simpler problems such as polycythemia and hypoglycemia can also present as cyanosis. Pallor Pallor may indicate anemia (due to blood loss or hemolysis), but may also indicate hypothermia, hypoxia, hypotension and sepsis. Any abnormal movement needs to be reported, jitteriness and sleep myoclonus needs to recognized, subtle seizures are often missed. Jaundice Neonatal jaundice is often physiologic, but high bilirubin levels can be associated with neuronal damage. In neonates with persistent jaundice after day 14, always check for color of stool. Lethargic, Poor Feeding, Unresponsiveness A sleeping neonate may appear lethargic. A simple method of determining whether a neonate is lethargic or sleeping is to observe if the neonate is responsive to stimulation. If a neonate does not change state during examination or handling, it indicates that the sensorium is not normal. The etiology of lethargy may range from simpler causes like hypoglycemia and polycythemia to more severe ones including sepsis, meningitis, intracranial bleed and hypoxic brain injury. Excessive Crying, Irritability and Restlessness Inconsolable, excessive and incessant crying may indicate severe illness. Pain, as in arthritis, sepsis, myocarditis, intracranial bleed and hypoxia can all manifest as excessive cry and irritability in the initial stages of the illness. Vomiting A neonate presenting with vomiting may be having something as physiologic as regurgitation or it could be due to an intestinal obstruction. Bilious vomiting and persistent vomiting associated with abdominal distension or lethargy indicates need for further evaluation and admission. Proceed to treat the neonate for underlying disorder based on the clinical examination and investigations. The most common cause of gastrointestinal bleed in a neonate is due to hemorrhagic 36 disease of newborn. This can be done by using nasal prongs, which can be placed just inside the nostrils and secured with a tape.

     [published in ASC Technicalendar, ~spring 1989]